Depression Relief: Checklist

Getting Relief from Depression

Whenever you feel sad, depressed, grief stricken, overwhelmed, fearful,  or anxious, start by changing your state of mind.  This fastest to do this is by changing your breathing pattern.

I realize that it is difficult to think of something to do to change your state of mind in when you are in the grip of depression. So practice the steps in the previous articles anytime you have a moment where it is possible.

In this article I’ve listed some techniques you can refer to anytime you are feeling out of control with emotion.   Having a list helps, so that in the moment of emotion you don’t have to think deeply, you can just choose to take action on any one thing from the list.

I hope you find something on this list helpful.  And if you come up with some new ideas and unique solutions please send them along so I can add them to this list.

The following is a  list of action steps when your emotions are bringing you down:
1.  Walk outside, even if it is cold out.
2.  Read a book or magazine
3. Sing or play guitar
4. Use the NLP techniques where you shrink the image down to size.
5. Imagine being in a warm tub.
6. Hug your dog.
7. Use the rubber-band snap technique.
8. Use tapping exercise.
9. Go to the video guide  to help to change the “state of mind,
10. Using the color breathing exercise
11.  Use the fact & stories exercise.
12. Create 2 positives for every negative. (2 for 1 exercise)
And pay attention and focus inward, using the curiosity technique given in the previous article.  This technique will help you to collect information that you might not be aware of on a conscious level.  Being curious is a vital step to using your mind in a different way.

Changing from self blame to self acceptance:
In getting relief from depression and other emotions that get in the way of living a full life, it is important to learn how to be kinder to yourself, as you are, even before the emotions totally lift.  Recovering from depression is a process, keep taking one small step and it will motivate you to the next step, until one day you will surprise yourself at what you have accomplished.