Getting free of self-doubt #8

Continued from post 7

Once you recognize that there are thoughts that create self-doubt you have  started the process of getting back in control of your emotions.

When you pay attention you will get good at listening for the “voice” in the back of your mind.

In order to take the negative charge out of thoughts and images  you can learn to use some of the techniques from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programmng).

To do this we first we collect some more information.
As you think about the thoughts and pictures moving through your mind,

Answer the following 4 questions:

a. Are the words spoken in a soft or  loud voice?
Whose voice is it?  Yours?  Someone else?
c.  What is the tempo of the words/thoughts moving through your mind:
—-1. Are they said quickly?

—-2. Are they slow, drawn out tempo?
—-3. Are the high pitched or low and deep?
d.  What image do you get as you hear the words (thoughts)?

After doing this exercise one of my clients realized that she was seeing her moms face  in the memory.  Her mom had a disgusted look as she said “you’ll never amount to anything. ”  It was the “look” on her mom’s face that created a sinking feeling in my clients heart.   She also noticed that the words were said quickly and in a high pitched voice.

Before she did this exercise she wasn’t aware that there were thoughts or images.  She just thought the feeling of self doubt “came out of the blue”.  This was the first step in changing the impact of the thought.  The second step comes in the next post.

OK, now you have some of the thoughts and images. Were they in a loud, harsh voice? In a soft yet blaming, hurtful tone? Once you know what your thoughts and what they are saying and have answered the other questions, you’re probably wondering, how does this change things.  Well in the next post we will start to make the changes.

If you haven’t answered the questions yet, go back now and uncovered any images that go with the thoughts.

If you have questions or would like to get the information
about these techniques specific to your life issues there is a way.

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for the instructions to 2 exercises.
1. A powerful breathing exercise
to change your state of mind,
2. A second exercise
to help change negative thinking.

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Our next online class is on
January 26,  2011.
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