Hypnosis, is it safe? Can it stop anxiety, fear and panic?

Questions People are asking about Hypnosis:

Question 1: I’m afraid of using hypnotic techniques but I do want to get rid of my IBS, anxiety and fear!  I don’t want to feel out of control, and I don’t want anyone to make me do something, I wouldn’t want to do.
Question 2:  I don’t think I can be hypnotized.  I find it difficult to relax, my mind keeps spinning with worry, so I’m skeptical about using hypnosis and don’t think it would work for me.
Audrey Answers:

Hypnosis can be as simple as just focusing inward.  Sort of paying attention to what is going on inside of your body.  It’s call an inward focused state.  And the best thing is that you can be totally aware of everything that is said, by the hypnotherapist, as well as have the option of what you choose to do or not.

There are different forms of hypnosis, I’ll go into that in a moment.  
Therapeutic hypnosis is very different from stage hypnosis.  Stage hypnotists are there to give a good show.  Licensed hypno-therapists use hypnotic techniques and have a different goal.  Therefore you are completely aware of what is happening, and you are part of the team with your hypnotherapist.  One of the goals of doing this type of hypnotic work is to help you to tap into your inner potential and to gain power and confidence in you own abilities.

There are also different types of hypnosis

1. Stage hypnosis uses a form of Classical hypnosis to create a trance state where the mind is more open to suggestion.  People who do these stage shows are experts at classical hypnosis and are also adept at picking people who would be willing to be on stage and are open to suggestion.

2. Therapeutic or Medical hypnosis can also use classical techniques.  But, I have found that for people with anxiety or worry a different form of hypnosis is more effective  In this form you are part of the team with your hypnotherapist.  And because you are part of the team it is possible to get healing on the deepest level, kind of like finding your own inner guidance system and making it work for your benefit.

From my years of research and study I developed a system I  call Cognitive-Behavorial-Hypnosis, it combines the older techniques of cognitive/behavioral therapy, within the hypnotic state of mind.

The type of hypnosis that I find works better than classical hypnosis is called Ericksonian Hypnosis.  And when combined with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming), for the specific issues of anxiety, panic and bowel distress it has proved to be the answer. At the Anxiety Control Center we’ve been use this amazing combination for many years,  our clients get the ultimate result they seek: Freedom from panic, anxiety, pain and bowel/gastric distress.

More about the type of hypnosis I recommend:

Since my specialty is panic, worry, anxiety, IBS and pain I developed a way of helping my clients to uncover the old, faulty programs that trigger these symptoms.  And, all done in a state of mind where they are in control and a part of the process, as they learn how to use their own mind in a new enhancing way.

Question 3:  Why use cognitive-behavioral-hypnosis for anxiety and worry?

Audrey Answers: 

It works! People make changes in just sessions, that would take years and years of talk therapy.
a.  When in an inward focused, hypnotic state, it is possible to draw on information and resources not possible in to “conscious” state.
b. When the mind is open and curious you get out of the stuck  or problem state.
c. Solutions to even the most difficult problems appear almost effortlessly.
d. Learn how to gain distance so you can decrease the emotional charge on unsettling events.
e.  And it is possible to release the emotions from traumatic events. When emotions are released old reactions patterns and old beliefs that are holding you back can change easily.  It is like re-booting a computer, with new programs, and patterns available.

1. We can create a inner trance state, without the need of relaxation or giving up control.  It is a skill that can be learned and only seconds are needed to get into it.  Being awake, in control and aware yet in a inward focused (trance) state is where deep change can happen.

2. The self-hypnotic trance state can be accessed in just seconds. There is no need for long exercises to get into a relaxed state. The bonus of learning self-hypnotic techniques is that when you have relief from symptoms of anxiety and worry,  you can learn to use other hypnotic techniques for healing and to trigger instant relaxation.

3. Using hypnosis allows you to focus inward. All that is needed is slightly altered our state of consciousness.  You will be aware of all that goes on.  When seeking hypnotic work be sure the person is a licensed trained professional in addition to being a hypnotist.  That way you can be sure they are bound by  ethics of the profession and that  no one will be making anyone do anything they wouldn’t want to do.

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A Special Offer:
There is a program I’ve designed specifically
for anyone who has been suffering with IBS,
anxiety, worry, pain, discomfort from stomach or  Bowel Distress 

I’ve been helping people to break free of IBS, anxiety, fear and worry for many years, now I’m opening up my program to new clients.  If you want to get relief without medication sign up for one of the Discovery Consultations time slots I’m offering.

This complimentary consultation is only
for people who are ready to
get free from procrastination, anxiety, worry, IBS and gut distress.