Hypnosis: Will you feel out of control?

I enjoyed our  Q & A session this morning,  and I thank everyone for being there.  Many had the courage to ask hard questions about fear and worry.   And I’ve also received a few emails from the “quiet” people thanking me for holding the session.

One of the questions I didn’t have time to answer was about hypnosis.  I have been using hypnotic techniques for over 27 years to help people get relief from panic, anxiety, worry, fear and phobias.

Two primary fears that people who come to see me have about hypnosis are:

1.  Fear of feeling out of control.

2. Fear of doing something that they wouldn’t want to do, or of revealing something embarrassing.

A Special Type of Hypnosis

With the Transformation System we use at the Anxiety Control Center people can be awake, aware, and totally in control.  This is because we typically do not use Classical hypnosis.  Reason for that is that most people with anxiety issues find it difficult to get into a relaxed state.  And even if they can get into a relaxed state,  it  just isn’t enough to make the major change in anxiety issues.

We practice a different form of Hypnosis, and it is one major part of our Transformation System.

Many people have ideas about hypnosis from movies or stage shows. They  think of men with goatees and top hats waving a watch in the air, making suggestions that the “subjects” have to follow.   No wonder they might have fear.

In actuality a person can’t be forced to do anything they don’t want to do.  Because suggestions will not be accepted or acted upon if they are not right for the person.  Even in a trance state  it is possible to remain in complete control at all times.

Why Do We Use Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP in our Transformation System:

Hypnotic techniques are especially helpful for people who have panic, fear, worry, phobias and even Migraines and IBS.   The hypnotic techniques used in conjunction with cognitive and behavioral skills in our Transformation System  give us immensely powerful tools for gaining lasting relief.

But I don’t feel hypnotized…

A client of mine  who was able to stop her migraines using hypnosis and NLP sent me a cartoon.  In it there was a man, with his feet stuck to the ceiling.   And the caption was  “I still don’t think I am hypnotized.”  The reason this cartoon was so funny,  was that after each session this client would say, “but, I don’t feel hypnotized”.  Yet, her migraines and panic had disappeared.  So it wasn’t necessary for her to “feel” hypnotized for the changes to occur.

I mention the cartoon because it is a humorous way of making an important point:  A person can make immense changes in their life without “feeling hypnotized.”

What makes hypnosis such a powerful tool is that  is gives us a way of going directly to the subconscious mind. This is where the  underlying roots of many present time issues are held.   Even people who have tried other types of therapy with limited results have found that the addition of hypnotic techniques helped them to feel hope in just a few sessions.

Hypnosis can be of help with many problems.

It can help you to gain control over the anxiety and fear that may be blocking you from living your life to the fullest.  It can be used to find the reason behind your extra weight and overeating.  It can be used to relieve migraine headaches, stomach and bowel problems.  Fear of flying can disappear, motivation increases and the underlying issues behind procrastination and worry can be tackled.  Peace and joy can be the norm instead.


The most important thing about hypnosis is that it doesn’t just treat symptoms, it treats underlying causes.  Unless you get rid of the root of the problem, it can manifest again and again in different forms throughout your life.  Hypnosis in combination with other techniques used in the Transformation System is the quickest way I have found to discover and release the roots of many problems.

Of course, the question remains:
“How do I know if Hypnosis is right for me?

The reality is that almost everyone can be hypnotized.  Part of the skill of the hypnotherapist is knowing how to ask the right questions to help you to get to the power of the inner mind.

In our Q & A session this morning we found that a small change in questions you ask yourself makes a huge difference in the answers you receive.  We replaced  the “why” question with the “what” question.  Using the question: “What is this about” helped you to get to the “heart” instead of “head” answer.   Once  we get underneath to the “real” issue it was possible to move ahead or find just the right technique that would work best.

One of the most exciting part of the hypnotic process is that the “client” doesn’t have to try to make anything happen.

It is such a relief for our clients to know that their  major “job” in getting relief is to:
1. Simply stay curious
2. To keep an open mind
3. And to want to overcome whatever challenge they are dealing with.

A few more tips:
When you are ready to set up an appointment it is important to feel rapport with you hypnotherapist.  So:
1. Ask questions.
2. Evaluate if the ideas are helpful for you.
3. Find out more the hypno-therapists background.  (you don’t want a weekend trained and certified hypnotist for deep issues)
4. Learn about the background and credentials of your hypno-therapist

Once again, if you are suffering from worry, anxiety, fear or other issues of feeling stuck.  If you find yourself overwhelmed, or  feeling sad or depressed help is possible.  You can find the answers to living a fuller and more complete life.  Don’t delay one more second.  If you are suffering, sign up for a Free Consultation by clicking the button below:
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You have nothing to lose and a better life to gain.