Tag: fear

  • Re-programing the Mind to Stop Procrastination

    Before we get into the next post we want to thank you all for your questions. Please keep sending them. They really help us to develop programs that are meaningful. GIFT: Everyone who has sent questions will receive an invitation our upcoming seminar  “Re-programing the Mind to Stop Procrastination“. For those of you new to…

  • Stop Procrastination & Fear

    Once again thank you all for sending questions about panic, hypnosis, fear and procrastination. I will continue to answer your questions.  If I haven’t responded to your question yet,  I hope that some of the answers to the other questions have been of use to you. Another great question came in recently, and it’s on…

  • Stop Procrastination & Fear

    Once again thank you all for sending questions about panic, hypnosis, fear and procrastination. I will continue to answer your questions.  If I haven’t responded to your question yet,  I hope that some of the answers to the other questions have been of use to you. Another great question came in recently, and it’s on…

  • Hypnosis – Change is Possible

    Yesterday we were discussing the difficulty people have in trying to change an negative habit  using the conscious part of the mind. I received the following question: “So you think a person can’t change using conscious, cognitive thoughts?” Actually the question sounds more like a belief the person who sent it in holds  (about the…

  • Understanding the 2 parts of the mind for change

    Today we’ll be talking more about the 2 parts of the mind. The conscious and the unconscious. Here are a few facts about the unconscious part of the mind. 1. The unconscious works for our well being. 2.  We might give a directive on a conscious level but it is the unconscious that carries it…

  • A tip for getting into a trance state – Know your lead system(3)

    Hypnosis Fact and Myth: Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman for new practitioners of hypnosis. Continued from Hypnosis (2a): Many people are concerned with being controlled. The reality is that even while in a trance state, if a hypnotist were to ask them to do something not in alignment with their values, they…

  • Hypnosis – will I lose control? (2a)

    Hypnosis Fact and Myth: Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman PhD for new practitioners of hypnosis. This morning we were discussing a common fear people have about hypnosis and going into trance.  Many people are afraid they will do something embarrassing.  I was telling the story about a woman I was talking to…

  • Hypnosis – will I lose control? (2)

    Hypnosis Fact and Myth: Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman for new practitioners of hypnosis. Continued from Hypnosis (1a): To show people how much in control they really are I like to tell a story about a conversation I had with a woman who had been “a subject” in a stage hypnotism show. …

  • Re-program old limits

    Many amazing changes can happen when you clear up issues at the root. The unconscious mind is an amazing asset when you know how to use it to re-program old limits. Start the process of using your mind to create calm with 2 Mind Calming Exercises Just go to the box on the upper right…

  • Hypnosis opens the doorway to unconscious

    Today I’ll begin by answering questions many of you have sent in. Then in the next month I’ll be giving information on tips for relieving stress in children and other parenting tools. Today I’ll begin with a quick answer to the question “Why use hypnosis ? What can self-hypnotic techniques do for you. Why I…