Tag: fear
Fear of the Dark – Helping children with a new story
The following post is from a note that came from one of my amazing clients. She is the mother of a beautiful 3 year old and had used what she has learned in therapy to help her own child. When she told me about how she dealt with her daughter’s fear I asked her to…
Using Pain to stop Negative Thoughts. Is there a better way? part 4
Continued from part 3. Hello again I’m Audrey Sussman and this is Part 4, the last in this series about stopping negative thinking. Today I’ll give a quick template of how to use the Rubber Band Snap so you can use it in a positive (not body damaging) way. Please send me your questions and…
Using pain to stop negative thoughts. Is there a better way? Part 3
Hello again I’m Audrey Sussman and this is the 3rd of a 4 part post on using pain to change negative thoughts. I believe there are better ways of changing habits than the use of pain. Continued from yesterday’s post discussing the Rubber band snap to change negative thinking Part 2. Today is Part 3. …
Using pain to stop negative thoughts. Is there a better way? Part 2
Hello again I’m Audrey Sussman and this is the 2nd of a 4 part post. I’m discussing better ways of changing habits than the use of pain. Continued. . . What stimulated my thinking about the use of pain to stop negative thoughts was something I watched happening at a conference. I have written about…
Using Pain to Stop Negative Thoughts? Is there a better way? Part 1
I hope you enjoyed Tish’s posts the last three days. She’ll be back with more soon. I’m Audrey Sussman and today I’ll start with the 1st in a 4 part post. I’ll be talking about the use of pain to break negative habits. I actually do NOT use or recommend the use of pain. In…
Negative Thoughts Destroying Your Focus?
This article is about ways to create a positive, focused state of mind. Although originally written for golfers, anyone who finds their mind racing with disconcerting thoughts will be able to use this information. Make sure you read to the end to get two powerful, mind calming exercises. Golf is like life, what goes on…
Conquering Fear and Procrastination – part 3
This the 3rd post on how fear and procrastination is caused by thoughts going to the mind. At times you might even be aware of an old pattern surfacing. Sometimes you might be aware of the negative “voice” playing in the background of your mind. But many times a thought passes through the mind so…
Conquering Fear and Procrastination – part 2
This is the 2nd of a 3 part post on causes and ways to change procrastination. When people come to my classes over 60% of them reveal that they believe that procrastination means that they are inherently lazy or unproductive. Yet, when we start talking about how they live, we find that these same people…
Conquering Fear and Procrastination – part 1
If the thought of tackling your next project causes your heart to pound, and your stomach to clench. If you get tired or overwhelmed just thinking of all you need to do. If you find yourself going to the “fridge” and using food as an alternate activity, instead of getting to the task at hand. …