Tag: fear

  • Unconscious Mind Protector or Stress Producer

    Sometimes it seems that out of the blue anxiety will strike.  For example, there you are relaxing or perhaps taking a walk, watching a movie, talking on the phone or working and all of a sudden out of nowhere comes a feeling that terrifies you and starts your heart pounding. If this has happened to…

  • Are Negative Mantras Interfering With Your Life?

    Unhappy With Your Life? It Could Be Negative Mantras. Dr. Audrey talks about Negative Mantras Have you ever doubted yourself or been hesitant to speak out when others have ideas in conflict with yours? Have you ever procrastinated because you were afraid you just couldn’t do something perfect enough? Have you ever wondered why people…

  • Creating a calming trance state – Exercise 1

    Want to begin your journey to calm now ? Sign in at the box at the top right of this page and claim your gift of 2 powerful mind calming exercises. Exercise: How to create a state of trance quickly and easily Just allow yourself to begin to notice where you are right now.  If…

  • Sleep problem – Learn to have deep, restful Sleep

    Want to begin your journey to calm now ? Sign in at the box at the top right of this page and claim your gift of 2 powerful mind calming exercises. This week as I was working on my online course to help people who are suffering with sleep problems, I came across some information…

  • Can I talk and be in control while in trance?

    This was a message one of  our readers left about Audrey’s Hypnosis and trance post: ” I don’t understand how you can talk and still be in a hypnotic state. It just doesn’t seem possible. . .” Audrey’s reply:  Thanks for your comment, so many people who come to see me started out thinking that…

  • Sleep Problems

    Sleep Disturbances Tossing, turning, watching the clock for hours – is this how you sleep? The harder you try to sleep, the more elusive it becomes. You’ve tried everything and are still awake. You are frustrated because you really want a restful night’s sleep. Worse yet, during the day you are tired. There is hope!…

  • Is Hypnosis Right for You?

    Dr. Audrey talks about Hypnosis. Excerpt from teleseminar, questions people are asking . . . . This is the top question I get from new clients, “Can I be hypnotized?”  Many times this question is followed with the statement  “I’m a very logical, scientific kind of person, and I’m strong willed, so  even though I…

  • How to stop negative thoughts that create anxiety

    Whenever negative thoughts and images move through your mind they have an effect on your mood. No matter how intelligent, creative or successful you may be these messages cause stress and even self-doubt.  As a hypno-therapist, I see the pain that is caused when people beat themselves up with negative self-talk.  Sometimes we are consciously…

  • Is it a negative mantra or a simple annoying thought?

    After posting my article  Negative mantras that “take you down” on the golf course. I received a question about the difference between negative mantras and simple annoying thoughts.  The best way to understand the difference is to think about the feelings you have. For instance feeling annoyed because of playing badly on one hole, and…

  • 3 Secrets to creating the state of mind you desire.

    Today I will start the first of 5 posts about ways of creating an optimal state of mind, for learning, growing and moving through problems.  I will be using the game of golf as one example of where people find negative “mantras” interfering with the enjoyment of the game.  But negative mantras can get in…