Tag: hypnosis

  • Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Hypnotherapist

    When people first learn that hypnotic techniques are part of the system they have a number of different reactions, ranging from excitement about trying something new, to skepticism and even fear. In talking to many people I have found that much of the fear about hypnosis comes from misconceptions gotten from movies and stage hypnosis…

  • Insomnia – Resetting Your Sleep Cycle – Sleep Anywhere, Any Time

    As I was working on my online course for people suffering with sleep problems, I found something that was really disturbing.  I decided to look over some of the popular self-help books about curing sleep problems, and see if there was any new books I would like to recommend to my clients. As I read…

  • Are Negative Mantras Interfering With Your Life?

    Unhappy With Your Life? It Could Be Negative Mantras. Dr. Audrey talks about Negative Mantras Have you ever doubted yourself or been hesitant to speak out when others have ideas in conflict with yours? Have you ever procrastinated because you were afraid you just couldn’t do something perfect enough? Have you ever wondered why people…

  • Creating a calming trance state – Exercise 1

    Want to begin your journey to calm now ? Sign in at the box at the top right of this page and claim your gift of 2 powerful mind calming exercises. Exercise: How to create a state of trance quickly and easily Just allow yourself to begin to notice where you are right now.  If…

  • Sleep problem – Learn to have deep, restful Sleep

    Want to begin your journey to calm now ? Sign in at the box at the top right of this page and claim your gift of 2 powerful mind calming exercises. This week as I was working on my online course to help people who are suffering with sleep problems, I came across some information…

  • What can Self-Hypnosis and Trance Do For You?

    There are many words that are used to describe trance.  You might hear it referred to as an altered state, or a hypnotic state, or a relaxed state.  Some people use the words hypnosis or self-hypnosis to describe this inner focused state. You might be wondering why is it important to learn to go into…

  • Sleep Problems

    Sleep Disturbances Tossing, turning, watching the clock for hours – is this how you sleep? The harder you try to sleep, the more elusive it becomes. You’ve tried everything and are still awake. You are frustrated because you really want a restful night’s sleep. Worse yet, during the day you are tired. There is hope!…

  • Hypnosis – Learn to Go Into a Calming Trance State

    Let’s begin by just talking about creating a hypnotic trance state.  As we talk questions might come up, or you might already have some questions about what trance is and why you might want to use it. The following are answers to some of the questions people have asked: Question:  Can I talk while in…

  • Why use hypnosis?

    Why use hypnosis ? Hypnosis opens the doorway so you can instantly tap into inner strengths. It can be used to get to the root of where reactions and limits come from. When two types of hypnosis are combined (Ericksonian and Classical) you can feel changes happening almost instantaneously.  And the Transformation System developed at…


    STEPS FOR TRANSFORMING SADNESS TO HOPE Audrey Sussman PhD, LCSW, NBCCH, Director Anxiety Control Center Has the thought of summer ending triggered feelings of loss or sadness?  If so you are not alone.  At different times of the year the Anxiety Control Center gets inundated with phone calls from people suffering from melancholy, loneliness, sadness…