Tag: nyc hypnosis

  • Cognitive and Behavioral Tips for Anxiety Relief

    Stress Lessons:  As a hypno-therapist I believe we can do more than just manage stress, anxiety, fear, worry, and panic.  I have found over the years that it is possible to change the panic reaction to one of safety and calm.   The techniques I prefer are ones that allow us to get to the root…

  • Healing PTSD, Anger and Limiting Beliefs

    Today I’ll be giving more answers to the people looking for help with anger, abuse, old hurts and fears. The questions will appear below with short answers woven into each case.   Even the deepest most upsetting, traumatic memories can be healed.  Reactions like anger and rage can be changed.  When we change the “response” at…

  • Healing Traumatic Memories and Limiting Beliefs

    In the last post we were looking at healing at the deeper level where the roots of the reaction comes from.   How do you know when it’s time to go deeper or use different techniques?  When you continue to feel anger, fear, hurt or resentment even when you really tried to change;  When no matter…

  • Traumatic Memories Can Be Healed

    In the last post we were looking at the difference between trying to change old reactions using 2 different methods.  One is just using the cognitive part of the mind and finding that it might work  for a while but the frustration sets in when the old traumatic memories resurface again and again.   The…

  • How to Release Emotions on Traumatic Memories

    In the last post we were discussing traumatic memories from childhood that surface and play havoc with living a happy, fulfilled life. Question: I’m just wondering how do I shake memories that I want to forget.  I’ve tried distraction and forgiveness but I and can’t seem to let them go?  Old memories of abuse when…

  • How to Shake Memories You Want to Forget

    It is possible to change old reactions. I have been showing people how for over 27 years. Today we will start looking at the answers to getting release from memories of past abuse and trauma.   We start with a question that was sent in to the Anxiety Control Center. Question: I’m just wondering how do…

  • How to Shake Memories You Want to Forget?

    In the next few posts I’ll be sharing the questions that people are asking about getting release from old traumatic memories.  What I have found in working with my clients is that when we take the emotions “out of a memory” the memory loses its importance.  As emotions are released from old memories they lose…

  • Relief from Fear and Depression – Life changing techniques

    Life changing hypnotic techniques. In this article I am using the story of Todd to show how a person can get free from depression, anger, anxiety and guilt.    Todd (the name has been changed for confidentiality) is a 45 year old man,  married for 20 years and with two children. He had been weighed…

  • Panicky Feelings – A Gift From the Unconscious?

    I received the following email from one of my clients.  After 30 years helping people with anxiety and panic I continue delight when I get these notes: “I just had to send you a note. I drove back to work on the highway – haven’t done that – alone – in at least 3 years!!!…

  • Is it Possible to Talk While In A Trance?

    This is a message one of our readers asked Audrey’s about being in a hypnotic trance: Question:  I don’t understand how it can be possible to talk and if a person is in a hypnotic, trance state. It just doesn’t seem possible… Audrey’s Reply: Thanks for your comment, so many people who come to see…