Tag: phobia
Getting relief from queasy stomach and panic.
This post is a continuation from May 4. A client called me asking for some help with her fear of throwing up. She told me a bit about what happened to cause her upset and fear and we were able to track some the the panicky feelings to thoughts she was having. The things she…
Skills to Ease phobia’s
For over 25 years Audrey Sussman PhD has been the Director of the Anxiety Control Center. In her private practice her clients learn to use the power of their own minds to reprogram old negative reactions. She will be sharing some of these VERY powerful techniques during the online coaching program coming in May 2010.…
Skills to Ease Phobias
For over 25 years Audrey Sussman PhD has been the Director of the Anxiety Control Center. In her private practice her clients learn to use the power of their own minds to reprogram old negative reactions. She will be sharing some of these VERY powerful techniques during the online coaching program coming in May 2010.…
Are Past Lives Related to Anxiety Attacks? Hypnosis Uncovers Past Life Issues
Recently, when I was snowed-in I came across a TV show called Past Life, that brings up an interesting concept of whether past lives exist. In this TV show they accept the premise that not only do past lives exist, but that a traumatic past life experience can be remembered and cause anxiety attacks. The last…
Conquer Procrastination A workshop for Intelligent, Creative People who get Stuck.
Want to be invited to the Conquer Procrastination TeleSeminar? We are getting closer to the fr.ee teleseminar on ways to re-programing the Mind to Stop Procrastination .” If you would like to Conquer Procrastination and Fear this year, sign up to get an invitation to this powerful teleSeminar. GIFT: Everyone who has sent questions will…
Hypnosis – Change is Possible
Yesterday we were discussing the difficulty people have in trying to change an negative habit using the conscious part of the mind. I received the following question: “So you think a person can’t change using conscious, cognitive thoughts?” Actually the question sounds more like a belief the person who sent it in holds (about the…