Tag: Stress Relief Solutions
Reducing Stress – triggers for stress
Question: Is there anyway I can reduce stress without doing self-hypnosis or trance? Answer Part 2: A stimulus that causes stress for one person may not even create a ripple for another person. What triggers a stress reaction might be outside your awareness. For example an old song playing on the radio can bring back…
Stress Reduction tips
I have been getting a number of questions and I thank all of you who have sent them in. In the next few posts I’ll give some tips or exercises as I answer the questions I’ve received. Please keep the questions coming, see the end of this post for directions: Question: “It seems that you…
A Tip for going into trance easily – Know your lead system(3a)
(continued from this morning’s post ( 3 ) Remember that each of us processes information in a different way. The 3 types of processing are visual, auditory and kinesthetic. To find out your “lead system” do this simple exercise. Imagine an apple. Do this before reading the rest of the instructions. Now that you’ve thought…
A tip for getting into a trance state – Know your lead system(3)
Hypnosis Fact and Myth: Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman for new practitioners of hypnosis. Continued from Hypnosis (2a): Many people are concerned with being controlled. The reality is that even while in a trance state, if a hypnotist were to ask them to do something not in alignment with their values, they…
Hypnosis – can they make me bark like a dog? (1A)
If you’d like to use you mind in a new calming way Go to the top right of this page and put in your name and email Click on the sign in tab to claim you copy of 2 powerful mind calming exercises. This morning we were talking about misconceptions and fears many new clients…
Hypnosis – can they make me bark like a dog? (1)
Hypnosis Fact and Myth: Excerpts from a seminar given by Audrey Sussman for new practitioners of hypnosis. Many times when I give a seminar I tell people of the different reactions I get when people first hear that I am a hypnotist. As I tell how some people actually put their hands in front of…
Hypnosis Facts and Misconceptions 2A
The following information comes from a training Audrey did for new hypno-therapists. We thought that this transcription might be of interest to the lay public, even thought it is written for the clinician. continued from yesterday. . . Clients may at first believe that the hypnotist produces their responses. In reality the client only acts…
Misconceptions and Facts about Hypnosis 1A
The following information comes from a training Audrey did for new hypno-therapists. We thought that this transcription might be of interest to the lay public, even thought it is written for the clinician. There are a number of misconceptions that people may have about hypnosis. Some of these misconceptions are a result of movies a…
The Inner Game of Golf: Getting Rid of Negative Mantras
The Inner Game of Golf: Getting Rid of Negative Thoughts Creating a Positive Focused State of Mind The purpose of this article to reveal what you can do to stop negative mantras that get in the way of your game. Would you like to create a positive, focused state of mind? At the end of…
Re-program old limits
Many amazing changes can happen when you clear up issues at the root. The unconscious mind is an amazing asset when you know how to use it to re-program old limits. Start the process of using your mind to create calm with 2 Mind Calming Exercises Just go to the box on the upper right…