Tag: Stress Relief Solutions

  • Formula for Changing Negative Mantras

    Formula for Changing Negative Mantras

    Have you ever had this happen? You truly want to achieve a specific goal.  You have the best of intentions and you are doing what you’ve been told will get you the results you desire.  You’ve spent weeks  (months or years) repeating this phrase in the hope of manifesting what you desire.  Yet, even after…

  • Getting Relief from Worry

    Getting Relief from Worry

    The Secret To Getting Relief From Worry You have a special gift inside of your own mind, just waiting to be opened.  It is one you can learn to use to stay in control of your state of mind, no matter what is going on around you. This secret is what Viktor Frankl used that…

  • Hypnosis, is it safe? Can it stop anxiety, fear and panic?

    Questions People are asking about Hypnosis: Question 1: I’m afraid of using hypnotic techniques but I do want to get rid of my IBS, anxiety and fear!  I don’t want to feel out of control, and I don’t want anyone to make me do something, I wouldn’t want to do. Question 2:  I don’t think…

  • Mind-Opening Exercise – Shifting Away From Worry And Fear

    Mind-Opening Technique For Shifting Away from Worry and Fear I hope you will experiment with this next exercise. It’s one you can use anytime you feel your mind racing with worry, fear, anxiety and even bodily pain. It is especially useful when you start questioning yourself as to “why” you are feeling a certain way.…

  • Eagles Football: Brandon Brooks suffers with anxiety attacks and IBS

    Brandon Brooks, a strong, confident Eagles Football player, brought down by anxiety attacks and IBS.  I recently read about Brandon Brooks and the anxiety that is causing him so much distress that he had to skip playing important games.  I wish I could let Brandon know that there is a way to be panic free.  That the medication he…

  • Why Do We Worry? – Answers to 6 Questions on Worry

    Why do we Worry? Quick Tips for Worry Relief The following are some questions that people have sent me.  Question 1. Are some people more prone to worrying than others? Answer: Yes, it is true that some people are more prone to worrying than others.  And, there are many reasons for this.   An event or…

  • Worry Relief: Tips and Answers

    Relief from Worry and Fear The following are some questions that people have sent me about worry. For each I’ve given some answers and short tips Question 1. Are some people more prone to worrying than others? Answer from Audrey: Yes, it is true that some people are more prone to worrying than others.  And, there are many…

  • Hypnosis for Anxiety Relief

    You might want to experiment with a special type of hypnosis. The mind has a great capacity for change.  Using a specialized form of hypnosis makes it easy to get into a trance state and you don’t need to relax to use it.  In this light inner focused state of mind it is possible to release negative emotions, heal…

  • Mantras can cause worry and fear

    Have you been using a positive visualization to move you towards a goal? Have you found that after weeks of practice you have still not gotten to the goal you want? Or when you start to move towards your goal does  fear or worry get in your way? Find out why this happens for people who try to use…

  • Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Isn’t Working for You

    Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Doesn’t Heal the root of Panic Attacks Most of the people call the Anxiety Control Center want a way to stop  panic attacks, worry or fear.  Many people struggle for years before finding their way to my therapeutic door.  And most tell me that although have found excellent therapists that helped in many other ways,…