Try This Exercise To Stop Procrastination

Small Changes Make Big Differences

Have you found yourself procrastinating on things you want to do?  If so, you are actually using your creativity, unfortunately in the negative direction.   A creative mind can come up with all sorts of reasons and examples of: scary outcomes, why it won’t work, or how it isn’t the right time, or how it won’t be good enough.

Quick Stop-Procrastination Tips
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A. Procrastinating about something?  Experiment with this exercise.

  1. Think about something you typically procrastinate about doing.
  2. Use the exercise to help you to create a light state of trance.
  3. Imagine the situation where you procrastinate and stay curious as you listen-in to any thoughts moving through your mind.
  4. Notice any emotions that come up as you hear the thoughts that move through your mind.

Beginning to change the procrastination habit:

  1. As you focus in on your thoughts and emotions, ask yourself:
    What would you need in the situation you are facing that would make this feel different.
  2. Imagine what a person who does the task with ease.  What do you think they have/feel that makes it easy for them.
  3. Imagine in that event you have been working on that you have what is needed to move ahead. It might be confidence, trust, joy or an inner sense that all will be all right.
  4. Take some small action to start things flowing.  When you make the choice take even the smallest step, something magical happens in the body and mind.  After a few moments of taking actions in the direction of what you want you’ll find that the negative voice gets quieter.  And you might even find yourself settling into taking a few more steps towards the task.  The first action step gives you momentum.    Accomplishing something is actually possible with very small steps in the direction  toward your goals.

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