Author: Audrey Sussman

  • Do You Have Winter Depression? 3 Secrets to Changing the Triggers

    The beautiful, orange and reds of the changing leaves signals winter is around soon approaching.   This can be a source of pleasure and joy for many people.  Except for those who suffer from seasonal depression. Then the change of season can lead to a sense of dread, sadness and even depression.  Many call this winter blues,…

  • Most Effective Anxiety Treatment

    As a hypnotherapist for over 30 years, I’ve helped thousands of people get relief from their symptoms of anxiety. The magic of what I do is that we get to the root of where the reactions are coming from.  At the root they can be healed and cleared so the triggers no longer cause symptoms. …

  • Anxiety Consultation

    Audrey has created the formula for results. Gain the keys to calm a racing mind and for breaking free of the stress and anxiety that smothers natural ability.  Her system has helped thousands of people to get free from panic, anxiety, worry, procrastination & self-doubt.  Working with Audrey can change your life. What you can expect in your free discovery consultation. 1.…

  • IBS Consultation

    Stop Suffering with Gut Distress I’ve been helping my clients to break free of these life altering symptoms for 30 years.  Most people find me through referrals from friends, family and medical doctors who know of my success in this very specialized field.  I’ve opened up my program to new clients who are ready to get freedom…

  • Shut down the inner critic that creates self-doubt

    If you don’t hear anything. Turn on the sound by clicking on the control at the bottom right of the audio.   Transcript of audio: I’m so happy that you’ve chosen to join me for this podcast, we’re going to be talking about breaking free from the inner critic that causes anxiety, stress. That inner critic…

  • Is Hypnosis The Answer ?

    *** There is a specific type of hypnosis for getting free of  anxiety and panic  One of the questions I hear from new clients is, “will hypnosis work for me?”  The answer is yes!  But, there is a specific type that works and one that will not. Why Classical Hypnosis is not the answer. In…

  • Stop Your Mind from Racing

    In this exercise called 2 for 1 technique you’ll learn how to stop negative thoughts. Actually this simple change is the beginning of reprogramming reactions.  Remember as you practice the exercise this is a new way of reacting to old triggers. And, after using the 2 for 1  for three weeks you’ll find that your mind…

  • Are Your Genes Causing Anxiety?

    If you think that they you are stuck with unwanted reactions because of your genetic makeup,   let me tell you this is not true.   There has been a long standing debate over whether our behavior is caused by environmental factors such as family, schooling, nutrition or hereditary factors, our genetic makeup. This is called…

  • Magic Toolbox for Anxiety Relief

    Want to know how the Magic Toolbox works to help you to get freed from anxiety, worry and procrastination.  The short video will give you the information.  The name Magic Toolbox came about because our client kept saying that the changes they were able to get in just sessions felt like magic.  Watch the video…

  • NeuroScience Proof That Hypnosis Works to Stop Anxiety

    This isn’t an article about science.  It’s really about information that will give panic suffers hope.  Why is it important to know about NeuroScience?  It’s  important because we now have proof that hypnotic techniques can be used to change the chemicals the brain sends that  trigger anxiety, panic and procrastination. NeuroScience has made some really important…