Category: Exercises and Tips
Fight or Flight: A Misunderstood Condition – Tips for Relief
Our stress reaction also called the fight or flight reaction has been with us as far back as cave man days. Yet, it is one of the most misunderstood issues. Most people associate it with aggravation, anxiety and distress due to a situation that is going on in the present moment. But, many times fear,…
Goal Setting Tip
Today I’m once again taking a short break. I’ve been having so much fun working with an amazing group of screen writers. We’ve been talking about using the power of the mind to move past limits. At the Retreat this year we are in Costa Rica. It’s really hot, humid and beautiful here, so of…
THE SECRET TO STAYING CALM IN THIS ECONOMY By Audrey Sussman PhD, Director Anxiety Control Center The economy is spinning out of control. People all around are losing their jobs. Trust in banks and brokerage houses has been eroded and savings are in jeopardy. So how is it that millions of people are still smiling?…
Cognitive and Behavioral Tips for Anxiety Relief
Stress Lessons: As a hypno-therapist I believe we can do more than just manage stress, anxiety, fear, worry, and panic. I have found over the years that it is possible to change the panic reaction to one of safety and calm. The techniques I prefer are ones that allow us to get to the root…
Re-Framing: Ways to Use Thoughts to Stop Anxiety and Panic
This morning we begin with tips for changing negative thoughts into more enhancing ones. In the next post I’ll be discussing a few more techniques to help stop panic and negative feelings. I know first hand how it is to suffer with panic. So I know what it feels like to have these types of…
Gaining a new perspective – Using Time Line Techniques
The following email came in from one of my online coaching students. In each coaching session we add techniques to the ones already learned. In this email the student is talking about how she combined two of the techniques. The first is the floating above technique that I taught my students in the first session,…
Skills to Ease Phobias
For over 25 years Audrey Sussman PhD has been the Director of the Anxiety Control Center. In her private practice her clients learn to use the power of their own minds to reprogram old negative reactions. She will be sharing some of these VERY powerful techniques during the online coaching program coming in May 2010.…