Tag: audrey sussman

  • Worry Relief: Tips and Answers

    Relief from Worry and Fear The following are some questions that people have sent me about worry. For each I’ve given some answers and short tips Question 1. Are some people more prone to worrying than others? Answer from Audrey: Yes, it is true that some people are more prone to worrying than others.  And, there are many…

  • Fear of Flying, Nine-step plan

    Panic and Fear, Gone for Good! Tina (names and some situations changed to protect confidentiality) came to see me for help with such an intense fear of flying. It was so pain laden that she felt she’d rather die than get on a plane.  And for her this wasn’t just a figure of speech, the thought of…

  • Hypnosis for Anxiety Relief

    You might want to experiment with a special type of hypnosis. The mind has a great capacity for change.  Using a specialized form of hypnosis makes it easy to get into a trance state and you don’t need to relax to use it.  In this light inner focused state of mind it is possible to release negative emotions, heal…

  • Nine Step Solution for Anxiety Relief

    Nine-Step Template For Reducing Anxiety and Calming the Mind   Step 1. Acceptance It’s OK to feel whatever it is you are feeling. Non-acceptance causes you to blame yourself for the feelings.  This self-blame intensifies the emotions. To help to stop judgement for having the feelings remember there is always a trigger or you wouldn’t be having the…

  • Mantras can cause worry and fear

    Have you been using a positive visualization to move you towards a goal? Have you found that after weeks of practice you have still not gotten to the goal you want? Or when you start to move towards your goal does  fear or worry get in your way? Find out why this happens for people who try to use…

  • Try This Exercise To Stop Procrastination

    Small Changes Make Big Differences Have you found yourself procrastinating on things you want to do?  If so, you are actually using your creativity, unfortunately in the negative direction.   A creative mind can come up with all sorts of reasons and examples of: scary outcomes, why it won’t work, or how it isn’t the right…

  • Hypnosis the answer? Stop anxiety, worry and panic

    What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is simply an inward focused state of mind. When you find yourself thinking about a past event, or are having a conversation in your mind, you are already experiencing something similar to a light hypnotic trance. When you alter your state of mind in a purposeful way to accomplish something that…

  • Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Isn’t Working for You

    Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Doesn’t Heal the root of Panic Attacks Most of the people call the Anxiety Control Center want a way to stop  panic attacks, worry or fear.  Many people struggle for years before finding their way to my therapeutic door.  And most tell me that although have found excellent therapists that helped in many other ways,…

  • Tinnitus Symptoms Healed Using NLP and Hypnosis

    Although I don’t specialize in tinnitus and hearing issues I have had been able to offer a number of clients a way to reduce the suffering. My latest client was a musician who was referred to me because he was suffering from tinnitus-like symptoms.  The noise in his ears was getting in the way of his profession and his…

  • Quick Solutions to Stop Phobic Reactions: Fear of Needles

    The video below gives some quick tips for taking the fear out of a phobic reaction. Client Question: Is there a way to desensitize myself from my phobic reactions to blood and needles? At work today a person came in with gauze and tape on their elbow.  I felt that instant panic in the pit…