Tag: behaviorial therapy

  • How to find the positive intention – Hypnotic Parts technique

    Another happy student finds his way to using what used to trigger an anxiety response to a new positive way of “hearing” things. Hi Audrey,  Just wanted to let you know how the techniques are working for me.  I’m looking forward to the next online coaching class starting. In the past what others though of…

  • Getting free of self-doubt #9

    Continued from post #8 In our last lesson on getting free of self-doubt we paid attention to the thoughts that cause self-doubt or fear.  And then we answered 4 questions  about the thoughts. People are surprised at the information they collect when they “look” at the  many different elements that make up our thoughts.  You…

  • Getting Free of Self-doubt #4

    This is the 4th post in the getting free of self-doubt series. Let’s look at an example of how one of my clients began to change the problem of self-doubt.  I’ll call him James for this example.  James is the founder of a number of successful companies.  He came to the Anxiety Control Center for…

  • Creating positive self-talk

    In this post I’ve combined a number of email’s  from my online coaching students.  They have been learning and enjoying the benefits of using the mind in a positive, enhancing way, as the excerpts below will show.  For me as their teacher and mentor it brings me so much joy as I watch them move…

  • What causes Obsessive Compulsive Thoughts?

    Russell Crowe told Oprah, he feels like he can’t help but doing exactly what he was told not to do.  (continued from 4/29 post) When Russell Crowe was backstage, before being on Oprah’s show, they told him not to swear on live TV.   As he was talking to Oprah he told her how he felt…

  • Postive Self Talk (3)

    The problem with just saying how wonderful you are, or that everything will be all right is that unless the belief is changed they don’t ring true.  For instance if a person has a belief that they can’t do things “right,” no matter how many statements to the contrary, the belief doesn’t change. Therefore the…

  • Panic Symptoms

    According to the U.S. Department of Health, over three million people suffer from panic attacks. Symptoms include: * Racing or pounding heart * Shortness of breath * Dizziness, lightheaded, or nausea * Flushes or chills * Shakiness inside * Fear of losing control or doing something embarrassing * Terror * A feeling that something catastrophic…

  • Mind Expanding Exercise Step 2

    Have fun doing this exercise, as you beginning to train your mind to create positive future images.   These images can then be used in later exercises for setting off a “touch anchor” or for another technique call  the “map across.” So here is your mind-expanding exercise, read all the directions first: Answer the following Questions:…

  • Mind Expanding Exercise Step 1 – Setting Memory of Calm, Confidence, and Comfort

    We had an amazing group of people at the Coaching call for “Freeing Yourself From the Shackles of Fear, Anxiety, & Feeling Stuck”. The action plan for next week is to find a memory for calm, security or confidence. We’ll  be using this memory in a technique that will trigger the calm feeling whenever desired.…

  • Breaking the habit of procrastination. What Olympic athletes do to achieve success

    I was reading an article on how Olympic athletes learn to achieve success in moving towards their goals.  I was delighted to read that they do just what I was  asking you to do in our online coaching workshop.  Successful people approach their goals in a very specific manner. Olympic athletes set small daily goals,…