Tag: hypnosis

  • Is Binge Drinking Related to Panic Attacks?

    I have received a number of questions about the use of alcohol and panic. Question: Is it possible that my binge drinking is connected in some way to my panic attacks? To give an full answer to this question it would be important to have more information. What I can tell you is that people who…

  • Action Steps to Stop Panic and Anxiety.

    A.  Feeling Panic, Worry, Fear or Anxiety: Start with these action steps: 1.  Gather more information. 2.  Recollect what was going on just before you felt the symptoms: fear, panic, worry, sadness, depression. Note for people who have sent in questions about the need to binge on food or alcohol. 3.  It is possible that…

  • Fight or Flight: A Misunderstood Condition – Tips for Relief

    Our stress reaction also called the fight or flight reaction has been with us as far back as cave man days.  Yet, it is one of the most misunderstood issues. Most people associate it with aggravation, anxiety and distress due to a situation that is going on in the present moment.  But, many times fear,…

  • Questions About Hypnotherapy

    Here is the first in our series of weekly posts to answer your questions about hypnotherapy. Keep sending your questions to askdraudrey@gmail.com (Excerpt from email) Dear Dr. Sussman, I thoroughly enjoyed your seminar this Saturday and would love to meet with you for a consultation. . . There were also a few questions I was…

  • 60 Seconds to Calm

    The 60 Seconds to Calm exercise works greatto quiet a racing mind, and to reduce anxiety and fear.   The detailed written directions are below.We also have an easy to follow video. Click here to get the video: Mind Calming Video GuideJust sign up and I’ll email it to you right now. We recommend watching the…

  • Moving through Fear

    Back again at the beach.  I’ll only be in Costa Rica at the Writer’s Retreat for a few more days.  It has been wonderful working with this creative group of screenwriters.   Today I made a video post about a way to have courage when doing something new.  I called it Taking the leap because it…

  • Goal Setting Tip

    Today I’m once again taking a short break.  I’ve been having so much fun working with an amazing group of screen writers. We’ve been talking about using the power of the mind to move past limits.  At the Retreat this year we are in Costa Rica.  It’s really hot, humid and beautiful here, so of…

  • Can Anyone Be Hypnotized?

    Dr. Audrey Talks Hypnosis Have you ever wondered if you can be hypnotized?   The truth is that almost everyone can be hypnotized.  In over 27 years of practice as a hypnotherapist I have found that anyone who is able to keep an open mind, and wants to be, can be hypnotized. When clients first come in…

  • Inner mind game: getting rid of unwanted thoughts

    Playing a sport can be a wonderful way to take a break from the pressures of life and work. It can also be a source of frustration something gets in the way of playing at your best. In this article we’ll be discussing what you can do when unproductive thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) that…

  • Hypnosis: Will you feel out of control?

    I enjoyed our  Q & A session this morning,  and I thank everyone for being there.  Many had the courage to ask hard questions about fear and worry.   And I’ve also received a few emails from the “quiet” people thanking me for holding the session. One of the questions I didn’t have time to answer…