Tag: NLP
Nerves Be Calm Breathing Technique
I’m so happy to share another technique that I learned at a retreat I attended. I recommend that you start with the Video Guide for Calming the Mind and then add the next technique to your tool box of stress relief skills. Instructions: Sit up straight or do this standing up. Just make sure that…
Overworked, Overwhelmed and Stressed? Tips for a Calm and Focused Mind
Have you every felt so overwhelmed that you procrastinate? Does self-doubt set in when you most need to be at your best when taking on new challenges? Do you then feel bad about procrastinating on the things you really want to do? The stress reaction is something that happens when people take on new…
The Shut Off Switch That Stops Fear and Worry
Have you ever wished you had a shut-off switch that stops worry, anxiety and fear from churning in your mind and body? In this article we’ll discuss some tools you can use to stop thoughts and images, that trigger worry and anxiety. And, when you learn how to use these tools it’s like having an automatic…
Getting Relief from Worry
The Secret To Getting Relief From Worry You have a special gift inside of your own mind, just waiting to be opened. It is one you can learn to use to stay in control of your state of mind, no matter what is going on around you. This secret is what Viktor Frankl used that…
Stop Procrastination and Worry
Quick Tip: Steps To Stop Procrastination Small Changes Make Big Differences Have you found yourself procrastinating on things you want to do? If so, you are actually using your creativity, unfortunately in the negative direction. A creative mind can come up with all sorts of reasons and thoughts about scary outcomes, why it won’t work,…
How Stuffed Emotions Cause Pain, Self-Doubt and Procrastination
You Can Stop Worry, Pain and Fear Use the Mind-Body Connection Have you wondered if stress is the cause of your bodily symptoms? What I have found is that the body and mind are connected. What happens in one part will affect the other parts. For example: When you stuff down a feeling of anger, worry or fear – it doesn’t just…