Tag: fear of speaking in public

  • Hypnosis the answer? Stop anxiety, worry and panic

    What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is simply an inward focused state of mind. When you find yourself thinking about a past event, or are having a conversation in your mind, you are already experiencing something similar to a light hypnotic trance. When you alter your state of mind in a purposeful way to accomplish something that…

  • Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Isn’t Working for You

    Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy Doesn’t Heal the root of Panic Attacks Most of the people call the Anxiety Control Center want a way to stop  panic attacks, worry or fear.  Many people struggle for years before finding their way to my therapeutic door.  And most tell me that although have found excellent therapists that helped in many other ways,…

  • Miraculous Changes for the New Year – Panic Free

    Make 2019 be the year you become panic free! I get a thrill each time I get a message letting me know about the changes my clients are getting.   Each year I get to celebrate with each of my clients who are now totally free from the anxiety, panic and worry that was getting in…

  • How Stress is Created: Web Seminar

    We had a wonderful group for our last workshop. I answered many questions about stress relief and offered some tips you can use right away.  Watch the short clip below to hear the tips. How Stress is Created and How to Stop Reactions

  • 60 Seconds to Calm

    The 60 Seconds to Calm exercise works greatto quiet a racing mind, and to reduce anxiety and fear.   The detailed written directions are below.We also have an easy to follow video. Click here to get the video: Mind Calming Video GuideJust sign up and I’ll email it to you right now. We recommend watching the…

  • Can Anyone Be Hypnotized?

    Dr. Audrey Talks Hypnosis Have you ever wondered if you can be hypnotized?   The truth is that almost everyone can be hypnotized.  In over 27 years of practice as a hypnotherapist I have found that anyone who is able to keep an open mind, and wants to be, can be hypnotized. When clients first come in…

  • Hypnosis: Will you feel out of control?

    I enjoyed our  Q & A session this morning,  and I thank everyone for being there.  Many had the courage to ask hard questions about fear and worry.   And I’ve also received a few emails from the “quiet” people thanking me for holding the session. One of the questions I didn’t have time to answer…

  • Panic Relief is Possible

    This month a number of letters and emails came in, from our clients, thanking the hypno-therapists at the Anxiety Control Center for their help in getting their “lives back”.   There were many similarities in what people said, so the following are bits and pieces from different emails and letters. I hope what our clients…

  • Anxiety Relief – A Partnership with Your Hypnotherapist

    Are you suffering with panic, fear or worry? Have you tried many things but still haven’t gotten relief.  It’s not your fault.  The reason anxiety issues don’t react to many cognitive exercises is because the problem lies deeper, in the unconscious part of the mind.  And Cognitive Exercises only deal with the conscious part of…

  • Cognitive and Behavioral Tips for Anxiety Relief

    Stress Lessons:  As a hypno-therapist I believe we can do more than just manage stress, anxiety, fear, worry, and panic.  I have found over the years that it is possible to change the panic reaction to one of safety and calm.   The techniques I prefer are ones that allow us to get to the root…