Tag: hypnosis

  • Getting free of self-doubt #8

    Continued from post 7 Once you recognize that there are thoughts that create self-doubt you have  started the process of getting back in control of your emotions. When you pay attention you will get good at listening for the “voice” in the back of your mind. In order to take the negative charge out of…

  • Getting free of Self-doubt #6

    This is the 6th post in getting free of self-doubt series. Continuation from last post: Here are some of the things you might hear as you take a moment to listen to the thoughts going through your mind.  They might sound something like this:   “You won’t do it good enough”,  “you don’t know enough” or…

  • Getting free of self-doubt #5

    This is the 5th in the creating self-confidence series. So you might be wondering how can we change old beliefs from out childhood?  There are a number of steps to this process. Steps to change self-doubt to confidence: 1.  Notice the thoughts going through your mind. 2. Go back in your mind and think about…

  • Getting Free of Self-doubt #4

    This is the 4th post in the getting free of self-doubt series. Let’s look at an example of how one of my clients began to change the problem of self-doubt.  I’ll call him James for this example.  James is the founder of a number of successful companies.  He came to the Anxiety Control Center for…

  • Getting free of self-doubt #1

    In the next series of posts we’ll look at self-doubt and how to stop the thoughts that cause it. Have you ever wish there was a way to gain instant confidence? Do you at times get stuck in self-doubt? You are not alone, many of my clients come to me with questions about fear, insecurity…

  • Creating positive self-talk

    In this post I’ve combined a number of email’s  from my online coaching students.  They have been learning and enjoying the benefits of using the mind in a positive, enhancing way, as the excerpts below will show.  For me as their teacher and mentor it brings me so much joy as I watch them move…

  • Why use Hypnosis for Panic and Anxiety Relief?

    Why would a person want to use hypnosis for anxiety, panic or stress relief?  One reason is that hypnosis works quickly, even with long standing issues.  You might wonder how hypnosis helps?  Hypnosis helps you to go into an inner directed state, also called a trance state.  The trance state enables you to gain access…

  • Lack of Motivation- Where Does It Come From?

    This email came in from one of my students in my group program: Getting relief from anxiety, worry and procrastination.  As I replied to her I thought I would post my answer and see what my readers thoughts are on this topic. It was interesting to me that the key to her procrastination might lie…

  • Relief of Panic, Anxiety and Fear – Action Steps

    I decided to share some of the Action Steps I’m working with on my students in the Online Coaching class.  I hope you find them helpful.  If you have questions sent the to me here.  If you would like to join us there is still room for 2 more students. You also be getting the…

  • 3 steps to changing worry: Hypnosis NYC

    Continued from post of May 20th. Let’s begin with the 3 steps you will need to start changing patterns of thought that are creating stress and worry in your life. These 3 steps are so powerful that many of my clients have experienced immediate lifting of their spirits after using them for the first time.…