Tag: Neuro-Linguistic programming
Stop Procrastination and Worry
Quick Tip: Steps To Stop Procrastination Small Changes Make Big Differences Have you found yourself procrastinating on things you want to do? If so, you are actually using your creativity, unfortunately in the negative direction. A creative mind can come up with all sorts of reasons and thoughts about scary outcomes, why it won’t work,…
Eagles Football: Brandon Brooks suffers with anxiety attacks and IBS
Brandon Brooks, a strong, confident Eagles Football player, brought down by anxiety attacks and IBS. I recently read about Brandon Brooks and the anxiety that is causing him so much distress that he had to skip playing important games. I wish I could let Brandon know that there is a way to be panic free. That the medication he…
Relief from overwhelm, Hopelessness and Fear: Part 1
Blueprint for hope and optimism Today we’ll be looking at 2 questions about feeling hopeless, fearful and overwhelmed. After creating a step-by-step plan for my clients I decided share some of the tips and answers I have given them in the beginning of the process. I hope they are of benefit to you if you are suffering…
How Stuffed Emotions Cause Pain, Self-Doubt and Procrastination
You Can Stop Worry, Pain and Fear Use the Mind-Body Connection Have you wondered if stress is the cause of your bodily symptoms? What I have found is that the body and mind are connected. What happens in one part will affect the other parts. For example: When you stuff down a feeling of anger, worry or fear – it doesn’t just…
Hypnosis for Anxiety Relief
You might want to experiment with a special type of hypnosis. The mind has a great capacity for change. Using a specialized form of hypnosis makes it easy to get into a trance state and you don’t need to relax to use it. In this light inner focused state of mind it is possible to release negative emotions, heal…
Mantras can cause worry and fear
Have you been using a positive visualization to move you towards a goal? Have you found that after weeks of practice you have still not gotten to the goal you want? Or when you start to move towards your goal does fear or worry get in your way? Find out why this happens for people who try to use…
Try This Exercise To Stop Procrastination
Small Changes Make Big Differences Have you found yourself procrastinating on things you want to do? If so, you are actually using your creativity, unfortunately in the negative direction. A creative mind can come up with all sorts of reasons and examples of: scary outcomes, why it won’t work, or how it isn’t the right…